MAC Committees
2025-26 MAC Steering Committee application
MAC Steering Committee Appointments for 2024-25 term
Standing Committees
MAC Steering Committee Descriptions and Guidance for Members and Partners
Executive Committee shall be composed of the president, president-elect, second vice-president, third vice-president, treasurer, and immediate past president, so long as he or she is an elected county official.
Finance/Budget Committee shall be the executive committee. The committee shall consult with the executive director in his or her preparation of the annual budget and submit the same to the Board of Directors at the first meeting for adoption, as provided for in Article VII of the MAC Constitution and By-Laws.
Legislative Committee shall be composed of the following members: the chairman, who shall be the immediate past president; the vice-chairman, who shall be the president-elect; the remaining members of the executive committee; the president of each affiliate association or his or her designee; the chair of each policy steering committee; and two additional persons as appointed annually by the president. This committee shall receive and review all legislative proposals and policies and refer, with comments, these proposals and policies to the Board of Directors. This committee shall support or oppose legislation when directed to do so by the Board of Directors.
Programs and Services Committees
Insurance Committee shall be composed of a chairman and four other county elected officials elected by the membership of the MAC Trust who shall serve until their successors are chosen.
Information Technology Committee shall be composed of a chairman and four other county elected officials appointed by the President who shall advise MAC members on IT solutions and seek IT services to enhance member benefits.
By-Laws Committee shall be composed of a subcommittee formed by the current president. The by-laws shall be reviewed, at a minimum, every other year in odd-numbered years.
Steering Committees
Agriculture/ Environment Committee shall be responsible for issues affecting agriculture and related industries, as well as planning, zoning, environmental protection, solid waste management, and soil and water conservation.
Community/ Economic Development Committee shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to housing, community and economic development, and workforce development including the creation of affordable housing and housing options for different populations, residential, commercial, and industrial development, and building and housing codes.
Intergovernmental Affairs/Finance/ Tax Issues/ Pensions Committee shall be responsible for issues affecting mandates, elections, open meetings, open records, retirement benefits, employment laws; issues affecting property taxes, sales and use taxes, other sources of revenue, investment laws, county budgeting and the offices of the county clerk, treasurer, assessor, collector, commissioner, recorder, and public administrator.
I.T./Telecommunications/ Broadband Committee shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to telecommunications and technology policy, information technology development and implementation, information technology innovation, e-governance, and geospatial data collection and utilization.
Policing/ Justice/ Mental Health Committee shall be responsible for issues affecting the court system, jails, the prosecutorial system, probate, and the offices of the sheriff, prosecuting attorney, circuit clerk, and coroner. The Committee shall also be responsible for issues affecting aging, public health, mental health, alcohol and drug abuse, developmental disabilities, social services, human services, nursing homes, and mental health facilities.
Report of Policing, Justice & Mental Health Steering Committee
Judicial task force releases final report on state courts’ response to mental illness
Transportation Committee shall be responsible for issues affecting highways, airports, mass transit, and county building and grounds.
Duties. Within each program area of concern to county government, the Steering Committee is to aid the MAC Board of Directors in establishing Association policy on state and federal legislation and administrative matters. Each Steering Committee may make recommendations to the Legislative Committee on any official resolution referred to the Committee. Policy Steering Committee members are expected to participate regularly in conference calls and meetings and stay informed of legislative and regulatory action relevant to the committee.
Committee Membership. Each Steering Committee shall have no more than 10 members. All Steering Committee members shall be elected or appointed county officials.
** Steering Committee Members do not have to serve on the MAC Board of Directors. However, the chairperson of each Steering Committee will need to be currently serving on the MAC Board of Directors
Term. The term of appointment shall be for one year, beginning July 1 and ending June 30.