MAC Board of Directors
Board of Directors and Their Responsibilities
MAC Officers and At-Large Directors application
The objective of the Board of Directors is to represent all association members by addressing concerns, advocating for topics related to elected county officeholders, and disseminating information to the membership.
Responsibilities of Board Members:
Meet a minimum of 6 times per year for regularly scheduled board meetings.
Attend any additional unscheduled or special session board meetings called by the President.
Gather and present any concerns from your district that relates to local operations to the board during regularly scheduled meetings. If concerns arise outside of the regularly scheduled meetings these concerns should be directed to either the MAC Executive Director or the Executive Committee.
Disseminate all information presented from MAC to your respected district officeholders.
Financial oversight for the annual budget, expenditures, and revenues presented by the Treasurer.
Evaluation of services to provide for adjustments, additions, and removal based on the desired needs of the membership.
Constant evaluation of MAC’s Mission Statement to ensure consistency and purpose.
Who is a member of the Board of Directors?
MAC Districts
Executive Committee
At-large Directors
All Association Presidents
All District Representatives
NACo Board Members
Chairman of the Insurance Committee
Chairman of each Standing Committee
Chairman of each Policy Steering Committee
2025 MAC Board of Directors
Executive Directors
President - Gary Jungermann, Callaway County
President Elect - Carol Johnson, Dallas County
2nd VP - Cheryl Dawson-Spaulding, Greene County
3rd VP - Daniel Franks, Howell County
Treasurer - Stan Whitehurst, Webster County
Past President - Pete Frazier, Cape Girardeau County
At-Large Directors
Jeanie Lauer, Jackson County
Stephanie Gooden, Saline County
Leslie Meyer, Audrain County
Josh Speakman, Stoddard County
NACo Board Members
Bob Dixon, Greene County
MAC Insurance Chair
Alan Winders, Audrain County
District Directors (By District)
Missy Meek, DeKalb County (1)
Ron Hook, Buchanan County (2)
David Gall, Buchanan County (2)
Jerry Nolte, Clay County (4)
JoAnn Lawson, Clay County (4)
Frank White, Jackson County (5)
Sid Conklin, Randolph County (6)
Brianna Lennon, Boone County (7)
Janet Thompson, Boone County (7)
Bill Taylor, Pettis County (8)
Rick Watson, Bates County (9)
Amanda Huffman, Morgan County (10)
Steve Ehlmann, St. Charles County (11)
Karen Digh Allen, Callaway County (12)
Mary Jo Straatmann, Franklin County (13)
Tim Brinker, Franklin County (13)
Sam Page, St. Louis County (14)
Gerald Smith, St. Louis County (14)
Dennis Gannon, Jefferson County (15)
Angie Curley, Dent County (16)
Jim Scaggs, Ripley County (17)
Jared Kutz, Perry County (18)
Chris Rickman, Butler County (19)
Mark Maples, Stone County (20)
John Russell, Greene County (21)
Shane Schoeller, Greene County (21)
Shelly Chadwell, Wright County (22)
Jenny Childers, Newton County (23)
John Bartosh, Jasper County (24)
Sarah Hoover, Jasper County (24)
Bob Adams, Cape Girardeau County (25)
Clint Tracy, Cape Girardeau County (25)
Ike Skelton, Camden County (26)
Jimmy Laughlin, Camden County (26)
Jeff Hoelscher, Cole County (27)
Larry Vincent, Cole County (27)
Jeff Fletcher, Cass County (28)
Randy Jones, Cass County (28)
Nick Plummer, Taney County (29)
David Clark, Taney County (29)
Harold Gallaher, St. Francois County (31)
Lynn Morris, Christian County (32)
Association Presidents
Joe Gildehaus, Warren County - Commissioners
Sherry Parks, Livingston County - Clerks
Amy Dent, Chistian County - Auditors
Bob Boyer, Jefferson County - Assessors
Karen Stokes, Hickory County - Collectors
Jennifer Jellum, Lafayette County - Treasurers
Steve Pelton, Franklin County - Sheriffs
Tara Mason, Scott County - Recorders
Tiffany Phillips, Polk County - Circuit Clerks
Cher Caudel, Moniteau County - Public Administrators
Robert Russell, Johnson County - Prosecutors
steering committee chairs
Leslie Meyer, Audrain County (Agriculture)
Susette Taylor, Atchison County (Eco-Devo)
Jimmy Laughlin, Camden County (I.T.)
Krista Bruno, MaconCounty (Intergovernmental Affairs)
Janet Thompson, Boone County (Justice)
Joe Gildehaus, Warren County (Transportation)